Integrated Quality, Environment and Health and Safety Management System in JOTKEL Jan Krzywonos Sp.k.

Quality Management System Certificate
Quality Management System Certificate JOTKEL 2022
  • Since 2000 Jotkel has been awarded the Quality Management System Certificate by Polski Rejestr Statków S.A.. Since June 2007,we have been the first company in Krotoszyn district to be awarded the certificate of integrated quality, environmental and health and safety management system. We are currently certified in accordance with ISO O 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.

    In order to meet customer requirements, compete with other manufacturers and thus survive and grow, the company must change and adapt to the changing environment to new requirements and set itself and implement ambitious goals.
  • The directions of development of the global economy and the growing requirements of domestic and  foreign customers pose a difficult task for companies to provide high, constantly increasing quality products and services.
  • In addition, more and more customers also attach great importance to how the company's operations affect the environment and the conditions under which its employees work.

  • Being aware of these requirements and expectations and of the fact that after Poland's accession to the European Union, the quality management system compliant with ISO 9001 is a standard for companies that want to survive and count on the markets of the United Europe, we have made and implemented a decision to implement an integrated quality, environmental and health and safety management system. This implementation is also an implementation of the basic assumptions of our IMS policy.
  • Following the thought of William Edwards Deming No need to change, survival is not mandatory Jotkel did not stop at obtaining certification, but continues to improve its management system and the entire business. Such tasks and goals in the nearest future are the completion of construction projects, investments in machinery and full integration of IT systems.

The policy of the integrated quality, environment and health and safety management system JOTKEL Jan Krzywonos Sp.k.
  • Jotkel Jan Krzywonos Sp. k. is a Polish company, active in production and trade. We produce: metal furniture designed to equip workshops, factories, staff facilities, warehouses, stores, offices and other rooms, as well as manual transport equipment and other metal products. We are a wholesaler and retailer of technical and industrial goods.
  • Our goal:
  • Production of durable and safe products of quality consistent with the customer's expectations, manufactured in conditions safe for people and the environment.
  • Guided by the philosophy of sustainable development and harmonious coexistence with nature and other people, Jotkel Jan Krzywonos Sp. k. is committed to special commitment and care for:
  • Customer satisfaction by meeting identified and expected needs, as well as loyalty and partnership contacts with customers and stakeholders.
  • To meet the requirements of dynamically changing sales markets.
  • Satisfaction and an appropriate level of quality of life for owners, employees and stakeholders.
  • Proper company development and working conditions.
  • Prevention of accidents and occupational diseases through the implementation of safe working techniques and technologies and continuous improvement of working conditions.
  • Taking into account the opinion and involvement of employees in health and safety activities.
  • Continuous improvement of the occupational health and safety management system through raising the qualifications and awareness of employees in the field of occupational health and safety..
  • Supervising occupational health and safety risks.
  • Meeting and complying with legal requirements concerning health and safety at work and environmental protection.
  • Reduce emissions to air, water and soil.
  • Rational management of natural resources and energy by improving the design and manufacturing technology of products and services.
  • Prevention of emergency situations that may have a negative impact on the environment.
  • Waste segregation preventing its negative impact on the environment.
  • Continuous improvement of the environmental management system through raising environmental awareness of employees.
  • Approved by the President of the Management Board:
  • Jan Krzywonos,
  • Krotoszyn, on March 9, 2020.
  • The scope of the system covers the design and production of metal furniture, manual transport equipment and other products made of sheets and sections at the production plant in Krotoszyn at ul. Wiejska 43, land plot no. 438. The integrated quality, environment and occupational health and safety management system applies to the entire enterprise.
The code of ethics of Jotkel Jan Krzywonos Sp.k.
  • In highly competitive market conditions, a company is unable to operate without being favourably perceived by its environment and without complying with ethical standards. Jotkel Jan Krzywonos Sp.k. recognizes that activities aimed at ensuring high-quality products and services, reliability in relation to contractors, employees of the State Treasury and the environment prove a responsible approach to managing the Company, and contribute to its success. In all departments of the Company, it is necessary to uphold the basic ethical values and recognize the obligations to all stakeholders in the Company. Integrity is a prerequisite for the Company’s stability and success. The Company’s greatest values include its reputation and the customers’ trust. Acceptance of the Code means the recognition of these values and commitment to regular monitoring of the compliance with the adopted standards.The Code of Ethics of Jotkel Jan Krzywonos Sp.k. was created on the basis of well-known and generally accepted rules of social coexistence, universal ethical rules and the UN Global Compact rules.
  • Approved by the President of the Management Board:
  • Jan Krzywonos,
  • Krotoszyn, on March 31, 2020.

Company info

JOTKEL Sp. z o. o. Sp.k. with headquarters in 63-700 Krotoszyn
Wiejska street 43
registered in the District Court in Poznań Nowe Miasto i Wilda, IX Commercial Division, under the KRS number 0000517804
VAT EU: PL 6211813430

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