Final assembly



  • radial riveting station NR-10,
  • nominal diameter of steel rivets 10 mm,
  • tool pressure - adjustable, depending on the material properties of the joint,
  • head stroke adjustable
Radial riveter - detail
Final assembly - Takoma No.10 radial riveter



  • thermal frictional drilling, chip-free hole forming technology, successfully replaces welded nuts, rivet nuts etc.
  • threads can be made in the M3-M12 range with or without external fash in sheet steel, pipes and profiles of steel, stainless steel and aluminium
Final assembly - Flowdrill thread forming

Pneumatic threading machine-MPD-22II


FLOTT SB P40 STG-FB PV electronic column drilling machine with mechanical feed


  • FlowDrill redrawn hole diameter 20 mm,
  • continuous / maximum drilling diameter 35/40 mm,
  • MK5 spindle,
  • spindle speed range (stepless adjustment) 250 - 4000 rpm,
  • mmax drilling depth 160 mm,
  • throat distance 300 mm,
  • column diameter 125 mm,
  • table surface 590 x 450 mm,
  • programmed drilling depth,
  • programmed machine feed rate infinitely adjustable,
  • table height adjustment,
  • right/left spindle rotation - threading possible without threading head.
Final assembly - FLOTT SB P40 STG FB PV pole drill

Company info

JOTKEL Sp. z o. o. Sp.k. with headquarters in 63-700 Krotoszyn
Wiejska street 43
registered in the District Court in Poznań Nowe Miasto i Wilda, IX Commercial Division, under the KRS number 0000517804
VAT EU: PL 6211813430

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